
Observing Earth Day

The Need of the Hour? Siddhant Agarwal Each year, Earth Day-April 22-marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The year 1970 brought the demise of Jimi Hendrix, the las...

World Theatre Day

All the World's a Stage Udit Verma "I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being." - ...

International Women’s Day

Journey from its Inception to the United Nations Sehba Ali The seeds of International Women's Day may have been sewn in the awakening of the need for equal rights for women far back in history. According to s...

Pitch- Dark Night at the KGMC

A Fond Remembrance Dr. Sehba Ali I don't remember the exact year but it was sometime in 1950s. My younger sister was diagnosed of "Diphtheria" and was admitted in King George Medical College in Lucknow. There...
friendship day

Friendship Day

Comradeship of Heart and Soul Of all the relations that a man can possess, Friendship is the purest, eternal and never-ending form of relation that stretches in time of our happiness, joy, sorrow, sadness, dis...
independence day

Is India Truly Free?

69 years of Independence “Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now that time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially. At the stroke of todays mi...

Hi Tech Horticulture

CISH Uses Latest Technology for Plants Summers have made their presence felt exceedingly, so much so that we instead wish that it were not the case and summers would have arrived in a subtler way. It is only n...

World Cancer Day

A Day Against Stigma Aviral Arora World Сanсer Day is the one extraordinary project under which the entire world сan unite together in the fight against the global Сanсer widespread. It takes place every year...

Travel Writers Conclave

"Travelling - it makes you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller" Nikita Gupta The beauty of writing flushed with the truth and inspiration of travelling makes for a writer's ultimate bonanza and it i...

Jai Narain PG College

A Traditional Approach Towards Teaching in the Era of Professionalism An institution established as Anglo- Sanskrit school (Pathshala) in the year 1917 has now turned as KKC Degree College. The famous Jai Nara...
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