Amit Ranjan would like to see the love affairs between India and Pakistan on reel translated into real life
In 2013, the Hindi film industry, popularly known as Bollywood, celebrated its centenary. In its hu...
Nishita Banerjee finds her way through the lanes and bylanes of the old city in search of handicrafts made from bones
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of life in the old city of Lucknow there exists a b...
Rafeef Ziadah is a third-generation Palestinian refugee and a captivating spoken word artist. Her music and poetry is inspired by socio-political themes like migration, war and, of course, the return to Palesti...
Jawed Naqvi scratches his memory in vain to remember when a Muslim body last intervened on behalf of Sikhs or Dalits, or Christians
It is axiomatic, yes. Muslims in India form a substantial chunk of the popu...
Dr Alok Bajpai revisits Gandhi's call to Indians for rule over self and not rule of self
On 15 August 1947 when Jawaharlal Nehru reminded us of our 'Tryst with destiny ' Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, mentor fo...
Kakul Hai seeks out delightful author Ruskin Bond in his home in the hills
Finding your way to Ruskin Bond is not easy. It is easier to bump into him at the Cambridge Book Shop in Kulri Bazaar, Mussoorie on ...
(24th October 1901 – 12th June 1997)
One of the finest example of Ganga-Jamuni Tehzeeb of Lucknow in Literature
Sar-e Mehshar Yehi Puchunga Khuda Se Pehle,
Toone Roka Bhi Tha Bande Ko Khata Se Pehle
Talking to those who know better, The Lucknow Observer finds that patriotism is a double edged sword
Even as the country prepares to celebrate yet another Independence Day, it might well be useful to ponder ...
Who better to talk about young people then Roop Rekha Verma, one of the most inspiring elders in the city. The former vice chancellor of Lucknow University has spent a lifetime surrounded by young people. She e...
Midhat wakes up early one morning only for a sip of tea at the famed Sharma Chaiwala
If looking for a warm welcome over chai, bun makkhan and samosa in the morning in true nawabi style then famed Sharma Chai...